Monday 7 May 2012

DIY Terrariums

I LOVE gardening. But as a full time student working two jobs, it's sometimes hard to keep my veggie patch going.

I was inspired by pinterest to plant something a little more low maintenance and something I could enjoy all the time.

Here's how I created my terrarium!

You will need:

A large jar or bowl
Potting Mix
Small indoor plants and moss
Stones, rocks or anything you wish to decorate
Water and a spray bottle

1. Make sure jar is clean and add gravel as first layer
2. Add charcoal as second layer
3. Add potting mix as next and biggest layer
4. Dig small holes in the potting mix and plant your little plants
5. Decorate with pebbles or stones
6. Water well - you should be able to see the water just reach the bottom layer
7. Enjoy!

How easy was that! I want to have them all around the house! Next - to get the students at school making them!

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